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Welcome to the Cornhole League Of Burlington!

We are well into Season #4!

We have migrated to Scoreholio, we are for the time being not using this site for tracking registrations. You can download the application from either the Apple Store or Google Play Store and you can search up "Cornhole League of Burlington" or just Burlington and you can pre-register this way or we can sign you up when you show up.

Who we are and why?

Who are we? We are a group of friends and teammate who love to run this league together! The team running this Cornhole league are all a part of the Burlington Oldtimers Slopitch League. During the off season we decided we needed a way to still have some fun and get together until spring we are still looking for a way to get together and have some fun and have a couple pops while doing so.

League Details!

Pricing is $10 per player.

Hosted second floor at the Royal Canadian Legion Burlington Branch 60 which is located at 828 Legion Rd

We play Friday nights from 7pm until 10pm

Please bring cash only, the bar does not accept debit or credit card.

Each round teams will be randomly paired.

Each round is best of 3


If you have a suggestion then please shoot an email to suggestions@cornholeburlington.com


Week Number